It makes our day when clients take the time to e-mail and let us know what they think – below are a few happy clients sharing their thoughts:

  • Dear Clutterbusters Team – Mary L. and Kathryn L., I wanted to let you know how awesome Mary and Kathryn are! Honestly hiring a professional organizer was probably one of the better investments I have made in a long time. I like to think I am savvy and able to work through most any issues but Mary visualized my space in ways I would have never dreamed of. She is a master at her craft! I recently took my niece in and have been wanting to make a little area for her but in a 1000 sq ft condominium with 3 people and a dog I was at my wits end. Mary and Kathryn managed to make a functional little area for her while also completely re-organizing my daughter’s and my bedrooms. My niece is thrilled and her exact words were “I love it and I can’t stop staring at it!”. I have a newfound appreciation for “organizing” as an art form. What a way to start the new year! Thank you so much, Clutterbusters!!!!

  • Dear Clutterbusters Team – Lynn L. and Gail B., Thank you both for all your great work and attitude to match these 2 weeks. I’m still shell-shocked. He was such a good boy, and an even better man. He had a quick wit and practical attitude. He would have really liked you gals, and would have admired your work ethic, which was always first in his book. He appreciated good common sense and could not tolerate mediocrity. Thanks…This is so much bigger than just cleaning up. You all are honoring his life.

  • Dear Clutterbusters!! Joanna was here today. She really is the GOLD STANDARD of organizers. What a treasure. She is friendly without wasting time and uses every second to help me. WOW. She transformed the jewelry room in a day. She is a treasure, a dear, and efficient.

  • This is the most wonderful thing I have done for myself and my family. Kelly from Clutterbusters!! came into my home and is getting the job done. The things I have no idea what to do with she finds a place for that is perfect for us. She does not stop to eat and works very hard. She is very good at what she does. We are organizing the whole house. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, kitchen and all the closets. I cannot say anything better!!

  • It’s amazing what a lift it is having someone to help with a project. I felt so energized and pleased with my closet that this morning I got up and completely straightened the bathroom. This was no simple task as I had gathered up many bathroom items from my mother’s house, but had not yet organized anything. What a relief to have this done. By the way, my husband looked at my closet last night and I heard a very audible gasp of disbelief and pleasure. Thanks again.

  • Just wanted to thank you again for a great job. You far exceeded my wildest expectations. The amazing thing was that you were able to get my son to help you, and to actually throw out years worth of stuff. I actually observed him vacuuming his rug after you left. We were smiling for the rest of the day. People who have come over have remarked that they didn’t know he had a “red” carpet. In fact, some said, “I didn’t know he had a carpet at all!” Your service was worth every penny.

  • We all agree here… Theresa is exactly what we were looking for!! She was very quick, efficient and got the job done!!!! We were all amazed at the progress of her visit. She was also fun and friendly to be with. I will definitely use your services again in the future (probably for the garage) and will let you know when we are ready. I like that your services are oriented towards getting the job done. Theresa went beyond what I even thought could be done. I didn’t think we would get to the laundry area, but she did it and also set up an area for me to work. I am more than pleased and I thank her very much for that. My husband was also very pleased and I am happy to be moving on to other things I want to do, plus not cringing when I go down to do the laundry!!!”

  • I really like Cheryl. She was very laid back, in a GOOD way, but was right there to ensure that everything got done. It was amazing…she was such a shot in the arm. After she left, I spent another 2 to 3 hours in my daughter’s room and moved on to my son’s room this weekend.

  • I hope all is well! I have to say that my 5 hours with Kristine were quite possibly the most productive 5 hours of my life. I have never done anything for 5 hours straight and seen such drastic results! I got a bit emotional parting with some of my things, but Kristine’s “tough love” made parting with them so much easier. She really showed me how some of my habits were literally draining me both financially and physically. I had been spending so much time trying to conquer my mess, saving things I didn’t need and other negative behaviors that I was unable to focus my attention on things that really needed it. What she did in 5 hours I was unable to do in 4 years, so the time and effort Kristine saved me trying to figure it all out was worth the investment that I, at first, was hesitant to make. I’m super excited to maintain everything because I finally feel like I can and I know this will affect every aspect of my life positively. With that, thank you SO much for starting this service and the same to Kristine for being my personal Angel of Organization.

  • Thank you so much! Joanna is WONDERFUL! She came in and listened to all I had to say and looked around, fixed what was done and changed other things. The area looks great! My husband also said wow this is worth the money! I arranged to have her come back next week to work on my son’s room. She came in today and looked around and got an idea of what his issues are (has special needs) and how we can meet those in the small space he has. I was so insprired when she left I went in and started going through the bins and cleaning out the stuff that didnt belong as well as clean up the floor of the closet. This is how I felt the first time I had the basement done. I couldnt wait to have her come back.

  • My experience with Donna has been unbelivably wonderful, I’m in awe. When we first started there was no way I thought we would be able to complete a room given the cluttered-shape it was in. After finishing the first room, my confidence soar! It’s amazing the organizational talents your representatives exhibit. It feels so good to know that I’m being freed from being held hostage in my cluttered home for many years and my spirit is being freed to allow an abundance of clarity of thinking to flow. Donna’s personality is very charming and services rendered are very professional. I enjoyed her organization methodology and insightfulness to know how to immediately attack clutter by first explaining what needs to be done and then doing. The most I’ve learned is to never judge a person that’s has a clutter problem because the situation is beyond just having the clutter. Secondly, I’ve decided to take the 30 day challenge to form new habits in putting things back in their place immediately, handling mail daily, and purging when I no longer use items. I not big on shopping anymore but if I do get something new, something old has to be removed from my closet. Speaking of closets, I’m having a ball shopping right in my closets. I can now easily match tops and bottoms to create a whole new outfit or look. I’m no longer bored with my clothes. And I have so much room left in my closets. Well I have a few more hours left with her and whatever doesn’t get done with the rest of my time, I think I can now handle it. And yes, I’ve been sharing my experience with friends and family members. I’m even going to do a decluttering speech with my organization Toastmasters. ClutterBusters you Rock & Roll.

    R. Robinson
  • As for your services, I couldn’t be more thrilled. Getting the organizer was one of the best decisions I have made. With my husband in Iraq and 2 kids under the age of 3, my life and the things in it had gotten out of hand. Your organizer swept through like an organizing tornado, and when she was done I felt like a huge burden had been lifted. I felt like I could gain some control again. She was amazing…she had as much energy as my 2 year old! She was pleasant and a joy to talk with as she worked so quickly and efficiently I could hardly believe it. Her services and skills reached every corner of my cluttered home, from the disorganized shelves and areas in my basement to the enormous pile of laundry on my bed. I couldn’t believe she actually helped me with that!! I am so pleased with her work, and I would recommend and have recommended your service to everyone. When searching for an organizing service, I was truly a novice. I wasn’t even sure such a thing existed but I knew I had to do something about the chaos in my home so I sought out the information. Though I looked at several services, I choose yours because you were profiled in a national magazine. I’m so glad I did!

  • Thank you. I have to admit that the idea of having a group of people in my house to help me un-clutter was both exciting and nerve racking. As soon as Theresa arrived I knew I was in the hands of a professional, a visionary and in the middle of it all of this work she was going to make it fun. The team worked together flawlessly. My mother died last year and I inherited some beautiful things. I was overwhelmed and found that I couldn’t think about tackling the monstrous job of sorting, finding a method to organization and decorating. Theresa and her team arrived at 2:30 as planned. I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to do. Theresa listened and like a true friend helped me come to my own best idea. Instantly they were enthusiastic about the project. We decided to turn my dining room into a reading nook. We aren’t dining room kind of people, and I had some pretty casual chairs and pieces of furniture that I hoped would work in there instead. Since March (it’s now August) both my dining room table chairs and hutch covered with family heirlooms, which were in turn covered in dust sat, mocking me, everything hither and yon creating chaos. Pieces of furniture and antiques that I inherited crammed up against each other taking up space and doing nothing but making me sad. I didn’t have the strength, vision or commitment to handle this transformation alone. Clutterbusters!! made my dream come true. Walking in my house now you see a peaceful flow with beautiful pieces of furniture and artwork hung. All clutter has found a rightful home in ways that make sense for our family. I am more grateful than I can say. I was embarrassed to have people come in my house and blocked them at the door. So your Clutterbuster!! team accomplished making my home fresh, peaceful, interesting and organized and turned me into a gracious hostess. One other thing I have to mention is that the attitude of your staff was so positive and enthusiastic they actually had me believing that they enjoyed the project and the results just as much as me. I’m a huge fan. HUGE.

  • Where to begin? Thanking you for these great women who work so hard and are so pleasant? Thanking you for EXISTING as a business to help me with what I can no longer do around the house? Wow. They and you are incredible. Thanks so much!!

  • Before hiring Clutterbusters, I was skeptical about the process and whether or not it would be worth it. Well – I soon met Deb and all that changed. Deb is a firecracker – she is organized (of course), but it goes beyond that. She was truly born to do this work! She made it look effortless and the experience became fun (and that is saying a lot!). She never let a pile of clutter get her flustered, and she quickly and easily moved from room to room, taking away my internal chaos at the same time!! Most importantly, Deb is a very sweet person – she made me feel very comfortable and I felt that we had known each other forever – a good thing when someone is rummaging through all of your personal items! To this day, I walk into my gorgeous closets and feel grateful to have met Deb and the Clutterbusters team. Thank you!

  • Stephanie is tremendous! She is a real joy to work with and manages to do the impossible — make tedious tasks fun! She took one look at my clutter-infested cube with its piles of papers, files and junk and knew exactly what to do. My workspace now looks fabulous. Word of my new neat and orderly space has traveled through the office grapevine and now I’m getting all kinds of visitors who are stopping by to see the magic first-hand so you may have other employees calling you.

  • I just want to tell you how pleased I am with the help that Jane has given me. The first time she worked with me, she helped me get my office manageable and find a place for almost everything. She gave me a few things to finish and follow-up on. My work space is more pleasant. The second time she came to work with me, she helped me get several items for donation organized and documented. She also helped me make some decisions about things I have had a hard time getting rid of. We plan to work together again in my office on managing and prioritizing work tasks. And then…my bedroom. It’s like a bomb went off in there! As a divorced, full-time working mother of two, one in college and the other with special needs, I am juggling a lot and trying to stay on top of everything. I am exhausted and stressed most of the time and many things in my home have been neglected. I’m glad I called Clutterbusters!! because I was so overwhelmed. Many things that were a “work in progress” and left unfinished are being completed. I still have more to do, but I think I am finally seeing a “light” at the end of the tunnel. Jane has been terrific!

  • I am impressed by your professionalism, it is impeccable! I will definitely refer your services.

  • As a single working mom, I just found myself too tired at night and on the weekends to keep things and papers organized. The professional Clutterbusters!! organizer, Theresa, was a whiz at helping me weed out unused and unneeded items and logically organizing the remainder for easy retrievability. I very highly recommend Clutterbusters!! to anyone and will continue to use their services.

  • I won’t hesitate to hire Clutterbusters!! in the future! The organizer you sent, Theresa, was very engaging and I enjoyed having her in my home. She never made me feel that I was “sloppy” or anything of the sort, which is something I was worried about. I thank you for sending her to my home to help. I was very pleased with the job she did, and I won’t hesitate to hire Clutterbusters!! in the future once we determine what our next steps are. Thanks again!

    Teresa K.
  • I just wanted to write and tell you how thrilled I am with the results of my Clutterbusters!! In-Person Organizing. Saturday, Tina arrived ready and rarin’ to go. After I explained what I hoped to accomplish with her help, the two of us dug in to tackle my garage. It hasn’t been properly cleaned or organized since we moved into our home over six years ago, and has become the dumping ground for everything from empty boxes (we shop online a lot) and bags of recycling, to boxes of clothes and stacks of Cosmo magazines (from the 80’s!). There was only a narrow aisle from interior door to garage door, where the lawn mower stood — the rest was solid JUNK, stacked taller than a person in some spots. In one afternoon, Tina helped me reach my goals of sorting, organizing and discarding. She kept me motivated, and it was such fun getting through something I’d been putting off for years. There’s now enough room in my 1-car garage to fit an actual car! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate Clutterbusters!! and Tina’s enthusiastic help, and hope to have you back to help us on the road to decluttering our entire house, one room at a time… Thanks again!


Want to Know More?

If you would like to speak to any of these clients of ours, please e-mail us at the name of the person on the testimonial and we will forward you their contact information!!